石戶谷 慎吉 專輯
日本裕仁天皇於1945年4月1日下詔書於台灣,實施日本明治憲法,依國際法,台灣已經成為日本神聖不可分割領土之一部份,在國際法理地位上已經不再是殖民地。 第二次世界大戰後,台灣一直在美國保護之下,因為台灣是處於美國軍事政府(USMG) 管轄下。 美國是第二次世界大戰太平洋戰爭中將日本打敗的征服者, 依據舊金山和平條約,美國是主要佔領權國,中華民國(ROC-in-exile)在台灣只是代理美國的當局,被美國政府包容收留至今的流亡政府。依戰爭法,美國有責任義務協助本土台灣人成立屬於本土台灣人民的政府,將中華民國流亡政府驅離台灣。 台灣人民有知道台灣歷史真相的權利,台灣人民也有拒絕被隱瞞事實真相的權利,而且,這2項權利與自身的幸福與命運息息相關,誰都不能剝奪,剝奪者就是泯滅良知的罪人。本土台灣人如果繼續保持沉默,美國會認為本土台灣人很心甘情願被中華民國流亡政府統治,任由賤踏本土台灣人尊嚴,剝削本土台灣人,奴役本土台灣人,美國縱然心裡想幫忙,也莫可奈何。
2012年6月19日 星期二
2012年6月3日 星期日
2012年5月9日 星期三
「 2012 環太平洋軍事演習」 預定於2012 年6月29日至8月 3日盛大舉行
SAN DIEGO - Twenty-two nations, 42 ships, six submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel will participate in the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise scheduled June 29 to Aug. 3, in and around the Hawaiian Islands.
The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world's oceans. RIMPAC 2012 is the 23rd exercise in the series that began in 1971.
Hosted by U.S. Pacific Fleet, and led by Vice Adm. Gerald Beaman, commander of the U.S. Third Fleet (C3F), RIMPAC 2012 marks the first time non-U.S. officers will command components of the combined task force during the exercise. Commodore Stuart Mayer of the Royal Australian Navy will command the Maritime Component and Brig. Gen. Michael Hood of the Royal Canadian Air Force will command the Air Component. Other key leaders of the multinational force include Royal Canadian Navy Rear Adm. Ron Lloyd, deputy commander of the Combined Task Force (CTF), and Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Rear Adm. Fumiyuki Kitagawa, vice commander of the CTF.
The theme of RIMPAC 2012 is "Capable, Adaptive, Partners." The participating nations and forces will exercise a wide range of capabilities and demonstrate the inherent flexibility of maritime forces. These capabilities range from disaster relief and maritime security operations to sea control and complex warfighting. The relevant, realistic training syllabus includes amphibious operations; gunnery, missile, anti-submarine and air defense exercises as well as counter-piracy, mine clearance operations, explosive ordnance disposal and diving and salvage operations.
RIMPAC 2012 will feature the first demonstration of a U.S. Navy "Great Green Fleet," during which U.S. surface combatants and carrier-based aircraft will test, evaluate and demonstrate the cross-platform utility and functionality of biofuels. This demonstration will also incorporate prototype energy efficiency initiatives such as solid state lighting, on-line gas turbine waterwash and energy management tools.
This year's exercise includes units or personnel from Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Details of RIMPAC activities and imagery are available at http://www.cpf.navy.mil/rimpac/2012/

In this file photo, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) leads a group of international ships in formation during Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2010. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Scott Taylor)
2012年4月28日 星期六
2012年4月27日 星期五
給ダグラス W. フーガン 中佐, 厚木米海軍航空基地施設部隊 副長的一封信
先週の4月8日に明治記念館で日米海軍友好協会の総会がありました。私が出たのは最後のレセプションだけですが、いろいろな方とお会いしました。中に少数の部隊先任下士官の方も参加していました。声を掛けましたら厚木基地施設部隊先任下士官のカールトン ダンカン曹長でした。厚木基地部隊副長のフーガン中佐を紹介されました。元台湾少年工員の皆さんの集まりの台湾高座会来日70周年記念大会を計画準備している石川公弘さんを紹介するメールを昨夜送っておきました。
ダグラス W. フーガン 中佐
ダグラス W. フーガン 中佐
私は北海道小樽市に居住していますが、厚木基地周辺の神奈川県大和市、座間市などに 知人が結構います。
敬具 石戸谷 慎吉
CC: 米海軍航空基地施設部隊 先任下士官 カールトン ダンカン曹長
Commander Douglas W.Huggan
Executive Officer, Naval Air Facility Atsugi
26th April
The 25th year of H.M. Emperor Heisei AC 2012
Dear Sir,
It was really nice to have an opportunity to meet you at the JANAFA reception on 20th April. I hope you remember me at least my clothing.
I have many friends in Yamato city and Zama city, Kanagawa Prefecucture around Atsugi base, although I am living in Otaru, Hokkaido.
Mr.Ishikawa, Kimihiro is one of them. He used to be the Chairman of Yamato City Assembly. He is now organizing 70th anniversary gathering of former Taiwanese young workers.They volunteered to be the Imperial Japanese Navy as civilian employees at the average age of 14 in 1944 when they came to Japan from Taiwan, I presume. They were working at Imperial Navy Factory next to current Atsugi Base.
Please see the photos of 60th anniversary event taken place at Ebina city in 2005.
All of these Taiwanese know that the US Naval Forces is protecting Japan and Taiwan and they are telling their Japanese friends around Atsugi base to put up with the noise of NLP and FCLP. It is sound of freedom. Atsugi base exist before Japanese residents purchased pieces of land around Atsugi at the half price of other residential area.
I should like to introduce Mr.Ishikawa to you.
It is quite unlikely Japan and the USA fight again in future as we are sharing the same values now.
Respectfully yours
Ishitoya, Shinkichi
I have retired, no boss, not so many phone calls and no money.
CMDCM Carlton L.Duncan
Command Master Chief,U.S. Naval Air Facility
2012年4月20日 星期五
2012年4月9日 星期一
What are you doing, Japan and USA?

The United States of America is the primary
occupying power of Taiwan.
The USA has a responseblity to oust the ROC in exile from Taiwan to金門県of China.
Japan should demand the United States of America to do so.
The USA has a responseblity to oust the ROC in exile from Taiwan to金門県of China.
Japan should demand the United States of America to do so.
(作者: 石戶谷 慎吉)
Look! What is that in the photos?
2008, 2009年中華民國流亡政府出動戰爭用蛇籠對付抗議遊行的台灣 人民!
By 蝶衣 (內藤 陽子)
By 蝶衣 (內藤 陽子)
2012年4月8日 星期日
Don’t worry ! The United
States now has no technologies to build conventional submarines, only nuclear
powered submarines the USA has.
At the time of 李登輝総統 and 陳水扁総統、the USA promised to supply 8 submarines to Taiwan. At that time, the USA tried to buy building technologies from the 3rd countries such as Germany. However, German government refused to supply, although 80 % share of the builder in Germany owned by the US Company.
My friend in Ingalls Corp was frantically working for this project. Ingalls was the builder of the Kidd Class destroyers and now has been merged by Northrop Grumman Inc.
However, KMT blocked the budget in the Legislative Yuan. China Shipbuilding Corp in 高雄has no technology to build submarines.
South Korea bought submarine technologies from Germany but still not yet reached the operational level due to lack of training system for that.
It will take another 10 years or more Furthermore; the US Navy doesn’t have training system for the conventional submarines at all. JMSDF was asked to supply training for submarine crews, but JMSDF is not in a position to cooperate. Furthermore, Korean people are brave enough to save the cost of building and have built a defected submarine recently. Water leakage is fatal for submarines.
The USA needs jobs. This is the reason why some House of representatives are supporting F-16 C/D to the ROC in exile. The USA oftentimes make big mistakes in this kind of matter. This would be the real threat to Japan and the USA.
The USA should occupy Taiwan according to the SFPT and should establish the USMG and do not rely on the ROC in exile for the security of Taiwan. They should do it directly.
( 作者: Mr.石戶谷 慎吉 )
ROC-in-exile (中華民國流亡恐怖份子政權) 如果擁有 USA 潛艦, 勢必出賣情報給中共, 進一步致使美國面臨中共核彈攻擊之危機. 如果 USA 賣潛艦給ROC-in-exile (中華民國流亡恐怖份子政權), Bashi Channel (巴士海峽海溝) 就會完全失陷於國共勾結之重大危險中! 強烈 呼籲USA 拒絕所有軍售ROC-in-exile (中華民國流亡恐怖份子政權) !!
By 蝶衣 (內藤 陽子)
At the time of 李登輝総統 and 陳水扁総統、the USA promised to supply 8 submarines to Taiwan. At that time, the USA tried to buy building technologies from the 3rd countries such as Germany. However, German government refused to supply, although 80 % share of the builder in Germany owned by the US Company.
My friend in Ingalls Corp was frantically working for this project. Ingalls was the builder of the Kidd Class destroyers and now has been merged by Northrop Grumman Inc.
However, KMT blocked the budget in the Legislative Yuan. China Shipbuilding Corp in 高雄has no technology to build submarines.
South Korea bought submarine technologies from Germany but still not yet reached the operational level due to lack of training system for that.
It will take another 10 years or more Furthermore; the US Navy doesn’t have training system for the conventional submarines at all. JMSDF was asked to supply training for submarine crews, but JMSDF is not in a position to cooperate. Furthermore, Korean people are brave enough to save the cost of building and have built a defected submarine recently. Water leakage is fatal for submarines.
The USA needs jobs. This is the reason why some House of representatives are supporting F-16 C/D to the ROC in exile. The USA oftentimes make big mistakes in this kind of matter. This would be the real threat to Japan and the USA.
The USA should occupy Taiwan according to the SFPT and should establish the USMG and do not rely on the ROC in exile for the security of Taiwan. They should do it directly.
( 作者: Mr.石戶谷 慎吉 )
Naito 女史への英文の回答を日本語訳してみました。どうも自分で訳すの は苦手です。もともと文章を書くのは苦手です。
Nito Yoko 様
心配は不要です。米国は現在では通常型潜水艦の建造技術は持って いません。米国は原子力推進の潜水艦の建造技術だけです。
李登輝総統、陳水扁総統時代に米国は8隻の通常型潜水艦の台湾へ の供与を約束しました。この時、米国はドイツなど、第3国から建 造技術を購入して台湾に渡すつもりでした。しかし、当時のドイツ 政府は、潜水艦建造技術の台湾への供与を拒否しました。潜水艦を 建造するドイツの造船所の株式の8割は米国企業の所有でした。
実は、当時 Ingalls にいた知人がこの件で一生懸命でした。Ingalls はKidd クラス駆逐艦を建造した造船所です。現在はノースロップ グラマ ンに合併されました。
しかし、国民党は立法院で、この為の予算案成立を妨害しました。 高雄の中国造船は潜水艦などを建造する技術は持っていないし、ま た、持つことは出来ないと思います。
韓国はドイツより潜水艦の建造技術を買いました。しかし、訓練シ ステムの欠如の為、未だ、運用できるレベルには達していません。
後、10年、若しくはそれ以上掛かるでしょう。しかも、米海軍は 通常型潜水艦の乗員訓練システムを全く持っていません。日本の海 上自衛隊は乗員の訓練に協力して貰えないかと韓国から内々で頼ま れましたが、そのような事が出来る立場にはありません。しかも、 韓国人は。建造費削減には勇敢で欠陥潜水艦を建造してしまいまし た。(現代造船)水漏れは潜水艦では致命的です。
米国は米国民の為に仕事が必要です。何故、米下院で議員どもが中 華民国流亡政権に戦闘機 F-16 C/ D を売ろ事を支持する者が多いのか、選挙区に航空機産業を抱えているから です。この点では、米国は度々間違いを犯します。(F-16C/ D)
米国はサン フランシスコ講和条約に基づき、台湾を占領し米軍政 府を樹立し、中華民国流亡政府に台湾の安全を任せるのを停止すべ きです。自分で直接行うべきです。
石戸谷 慎吉
Nito Yoko 様
実は、当時 Ingalls にいた知人がこの件で一生懸命でした。Ingalls はKidd クラス駆逐艦を建造した造船所です。現在はノースロップ グラマ
米国はサン フランシスコ講和条約に基づき、台湾を占領し米軍政
石戸谷 慎吉
ROC-in-exile (中華民國流亡恐怖份子政權) 如果擁有 USA 潛艦, 勢必出賣情報給中共, 進一步致使美國面臨中共核彈攻擊之危機. 如果 USA 賣潛艦給ROC-in-exile (中華民國流亡恐怖份子政權), Bashi Channel (巴士海峽海溝) 就會完全失陷於國共勾結之重大危險中! 強烈 呼籲USA 拒絕所有軍售ROC-in-exile (中華民國流亡恐怖份子政權) !!
By 蝶衣 (內藤 陽子)
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